With the completion of the map production for Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration (ASKI) in February 1998, the infrastructure data and existing data were transferred to the GIS environment, the GIS database was established and the interfaces needed by the institution were created and are continuing to be created.
ASKI Geographic Information System
Subscriber, Archive, Fault, SCADA Systems and GIS system are integrated. The GIS base data created as a result of this study has been the base for both ASKİ and infrastructure and municipal institutions in Ankara. It has passed into an integrated structure with systems such as Zoning, Cadastre, Security, Cemetery, Gas etc. It was the first successful study of this size in Turkey.
Ankara 3D Drinking Water Map
E-Devlet Application Available
ASKI drinking water infrastructure information was recorded over Intergraph-based systems from 1992 to 1998. It was faced with problems such as old systems, high maintenance costs, not being suitable for operation on the whole Ankara basis, and difficulty in control. In addition, due to the fact that the new generation GIS systems are cheaper and more efficient, the work started to establish the Infrastructure Information System with the completion of the 1/1.000 scale current maps of the adjacent area of Ankara.
A total of 4,400 existing maps with a scale of 1/1.000 were converted from CAD environment to GIS environment. The converted data were reclassified by dividing them into building, road boundary, equipment (school, hospital, etc.), height and address subgroups, and combined across Ankara on a subgroup basis, making it easier to use as a base.
In addition, in order to update the newly installed sewerage and drinking water information and to do this work in the easiest and fastest way, it was ensured that the contractors submitted their works together with their coordinates and attribute information in a way to create a database.
For more detailed information, please see our ASKİ Project Brochure.
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