MapInfo Pro Advanced

High Performance and Powerful Analytics

MapInfo Pro Advanced is a MapInfo Pro plugin that provides a geographic information system for cartographers, environmental scientists, geoscientists, field managers, and database administrators.

MapInfo Pro Advanced is a MapInfo Pro module designed to create high-quality raster layers and perform various analyzes on these layers.

This module, added to the MapInfo Pro interface as a tab called Raster, provides powerful analysis with heatmap creation options, interpolation methods and lidar data tools.

Profiling, volume calculation, slope and aspect map generation, visibility analysis, site selection analysis etc. on the generated grid layers. operations, as well as cutting, joining, changing projection, re-coordinating, converting to different data formats, etc. enables transactions.

The MapInfo Pro Advanced module is installed together
with MapInfo Pro.

Working with Very Big Data
Different Interpolation Techniques
Easy Operation
Powerful Analytics
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Work with Unlimited Sizes of Raster Data Without Performance Limitations

MapInfo Pro Advanced is a 64-bit application that takes advantage of a new data storage format called Multi-Resolution Raster (*.mrr).

With MapInfo Pro Advanced technology, you can create better quality visualizations and analytics in short time while taking advantage of its more powerful, smart and simple features. The module uses a new storage format that provides incredible rendering performance without sacrificing quality. Multi Resolution Raster (*.mrr) data format provides very high performance when working with raster data.

Multiple Raster Creation

You can generate raster data by automatically analyzing the information and distribution of your vector data and generating cells/pixels according to the specified parameters. With this process, which is carried out using the heatmap and interpolation methods offered by the Create Raster option, the empty fields in your vector data can be determined by cell size, search radius, search weight model, etc. It is calculated and filled according to the criteria and a new raster layer is created. You can strengthen your analysis with heatmap and interpolation methods.

With the Create Raster Multifile feature, you can directly add and process large numbers of files from your storage and process them simultaneously to perform interpolation operations.

You can create raster data by working with point clouds data. For example, you can create analyzes very quickly by reading and using LIDAR and LAS data.

With the MapInfo Pro Advanced module, which offers various visual settings to change the appearance of raster data, the borders between colors can be changed dynamically and displayed instantly. With Hill Shade, it allows you to add a lighting or shading effect by heights in the digital elevation model (SYM).

You can use the resampling feature to improve the quality of aerial photos. Resampling techniques improve the appearance of scan data by reducing corruption in the scan data.

The Calculator tool included in the module provides a powerful toolkit for performing various calculation tasks on one or more rasters. You can perform mathematical calculations using functions and formulas or perform queries using SQL.

It provides ease of use with third-party technologies by importing and exporting various raster formats.

Capabilities of MapInfo Pro Advanced

  • • Faster raster creation, visualization and viewing using object information,
  • • Grid creation with advanced interpolation techniques,
  • • Terrain model, pollution, rain, temperature, soil anomaly etc. creating maps,
  • • Raster calculator,
  • • Creating slope, aspect and curvature maps,
  • • Contouring,
  • • Visibility analysis,
  • • Sectioning,
  • • Classification,
  • • Voluma calculation,
  • • Transferring raster information to point, line and area data sheets,
  • • Resample, reproject, clip, merging and various calculations on grid files,
  • • Creating and analyzing band combinations in satellite images,
  • • Exchange of files from different formats.

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