GeoCoder (Address Parser), is a software solution of Başarsoft that lets you fix, update and locate millions of addresses of your clients in your database to a real location on the map with Başarsoft’s actual maps in a very short time.
GeoCoder helps show your text addresses that are in lists on the map and defines geo locations of them. It also edits your untidy and too long address list according to Turkey National Address Database (UAVT) address structure. Thus, you can serve to your customers in the right time and way. You can also make rapid decisions with geographic market analysis.
GeoCoder has the most up-to-date address database. You can manage and edit your addresses with GeoCoder both on SaaS and on premise. In addition to this, you do not need to pay any additional licence cost for this system which works independantly of database.
To meet the Başarsoft GeoCoder that makes millions of address and sets geo locations, just click to contact us!
Başarsoft GeoCoder offers to you more than finding geo locations of declared address:
- Determines longtitude latitude coordinates for mapping. (Geocoding)
- Detects, edits and reports missed or legacy address’ components. (Updating)
- Converts geo location to address data. (Reverse Geocoding)
- Declared addresses are converted to hierarchical address standarts and improved by adding address data such as postal code, longtitude – latitude etc. (Address Enrichment)
- Validates an address’ existence. (Validation)
- It serves address and result coordinates with scoring (Scoring).