What is Digital Elevation Model (DEM)?

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the modeling of the earth by using the position and height information of the earth and natural and artificial elements on it.

The digital elevation model is divided into two types. These are Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM).

Digital Surface Model (DSM)

In addition to modeling the topography, the digital surface model also models the natural and artificial elements (eg vegetation, roads, buildings, etc.) on it.

Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

The digital terrain model (DTM) models only the topography and does not show the elements on the topography such as trees, buildings, electricity poles. The digital terrain model showing the bare land surface shows surface shapes such as streams, valleys and plains.

How to Create a Digital Elevation Model?

Digital Elevation Model data is usually generated from remote sensing data collected by satellites, drones or aircraft. DEM data can be extracted automatically from stereo satellite images via GIS and RS (Remote Sensing) programs. Some of the remote sensing methods for acquiring digital elevation model data are:

  • — InSAR (Artificial Aperture Radar Interferometry)
  • — Stereo Photogrammetry
  • — LiDAR
  • Contour

MapInfo Pro program can be used for LiDAR and contour options from the above mentioned DEM data acquisition methods. For example; With the Izohips method, digital terrain model data can be created by using the MapInfo Pro program. By following the steps in the video below, you can easily prepare a digital terrain model from the contour data you have.

Usage Areas of Digital Elevation Model (DEM Data)

DEM data is used in various fields through geographic information systems. With the Advanced Module of the MapInfo Pro program, which is one of the GIS programs, you can perform powerful analyzes according to your needs by using DEM data. For example, using the DEM data with the MapInfo Pro Advanced module, slope and aspect maps can be created very simply, contours or terrain profiles can be drawn, volume calculations and visibility analysis can be made. In addition to GIS programs, today, design programs can also prepare visual maps using DEM data. Some of the usage areas of digital elevation model (DEM) data are:

  • — Hydrology Analysis
  • — Creating a Drainage Network
  • — Surface Analysis
  • — Forestry and Agriculture Studies
  • — Archeology Studies
  • — Creation of Relief Maps
  • — 3D Flight Planning
  • — Modeling of 3D Land
  • — Orthorectification of Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images
  • — Drilling Works