Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eda BEYAZIT İNCE

Project Coordinator

İTÜ Success Story

How did İTÜ add speed and efficiency to its project by working with Başarsoft data?

As IstanbulON Urban Mobility Laboratory, we focus on inequalities arising from transportation within the scope of our project supported by the TUBITAK 1001 program. With the spatial socio-economic data provided by Başarsoft on local level, we were able to examine the criteria meticulously and easily for accessibility, mobility, and affordability of transportation services, which we focused on within the scope of our project. With the help of this geographical data set, which we cannot access through open-source data providers, we aim to carry out to an up-to-date, healthy field research. We would like to thank the Başarsoft family for their efficient contribution on our project.

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