Blank Map, is a map without text, shape, etc. in which the borders are shown in general.
What’s a Blank Map?
Blank maps can be displayed with or without color. Blank maps showing uncoloured provincial or country borders can be colored to show geographic regions, neighboring countries or administrative borders. In addition, blank maps can be used to indicate the names of administrative regions (region, province, district, etc.) or geographical elements (lake, stream, mountain, plain, plateau, etc.)
Blank World Map
Blank world map can often be used to show continents, borders and geographic features.
Blank Turkey Map
Blank maps can be used for different areas of study and area of investigations. Provinces, geographic regions, political borders, etc. elements can be displayed. Blank maps contain many options according to their usage areas.
Blank Regions Map
How to Draw Blank Map in MapInfo Pro?
MapInfo Pro, which is one of the GIS Programs, contains many map types as well as Blank World Map, Blank Turkey Map, Blank Region Map, etc. can be created. Blank map of the intended area can be created by opening vector and raster data. If drawing is required while creating a blank map, the following videos can be used.
The created blank map can be transferred to the print window and printed by adjusting the intended size, scale, etc. The following video can be used for printing window operations.